The flexible holding system for scaled facades with lightweight glass and a simple substructure.
The Wall Light scale holder impresses with its perfect design and versatile design options. As an attractive and cost-effective alternative to conventional façades such as Eternit, plaster, or wood, the "second-skin glass façades" offer perfect aesthetics and maximum protection in one.

- effortless and quick installation
- simplest substructure
- cost-effective, tested system
- sleek design with many design options
- walkway glazing
- stairwell and elevator glazing
- second-skin facades
- for commercial and industrial buildings
- for private single-family and multi-family homes
- photovoltaic facades
- cladding for wooden facades
- privacy and noise barriers
- facade renovations
WALL LIGHT retainer
upper single retainer
central single retainer
lower single retainer
WALL LIGHT top view
WALL LIGHT facade view
Maßgefertigte Lösungen. Erstklassiger Service. Made in Austria.