Liberty Park World Trade Center NYC
Liberty Park, World Trade Center Ventilation Shaft D
The decorative ventilated glass façade provides an aesthetic solution for Ventilation Shaft D at the World Trade Center.
Located near Greenwich Street to the east and the future WTC Tower 5 to the south, the building serves as a ventilation shaft for the parking garage beneath the Liberty Park pedestrian area.
The sensitive location of this ventilation facility, situated on the elevated walkway at the southeastern corner of the new park, required an elegant façade that harmonizes beautifully with its landscaped surroundings while meeting moisture and ventilation regulations. The glossy white glass appears bright and clean, complementing Santiago Calatrava's St. Nicholas Church perfectly.
The ventilated AL-Wall Flat glass cladding system retains over 90% wind-shielded moisture, with the remaining 10% dissipating through drainage and evaporation. The system's open joints ensure continuous airflow, supporting effective ventilation.
Location: 1155 6th Ave | New York, NY 10036 | USA
Architect: AECOM
Installation: WBE Sheet Metal Inc., Amityville, NY
Surface Area: 65 m²
Photos: Said Elieh