Bonifatius School Frankfurt



To renew the single-field gymnasiums of the city of Frankfurt, a newly developed modular gymnasium construction system will be applied at the Liebig School.

This modular system, built in passive house style, has a construction grid that creates a visible rhythm, horizontally and vertically structuring both the facades and interior spaces.
The exterior features translucent, frosted glass panels with individual aluminum fittings. These fittings are highlighted in varying colors, adding playful accents that respond to the different urban or rural surroundings.

Location: | Germany

Architect: D‘Inka Scheible Hoffmann Architekten (Germany)
Client: Magistrate of the City of Frankfurt  (Germany)
Montage: Kuhn + Dörr, Tauberbischofsheim (Germany)
Glass: 10 mm single-pane safety glass, frosted
Substructure: colored, three-layer spruce wood panels
Surface Area: 2 gymnasium facades of 666 m² each

Exemplary Building Award in Hesse, 2010
Vorarlberg Timber Construction Award 2015: Modular System in Passive Construction, Käthe-Kollwitz School

Other Schools using the city of Frankfurt´s Modular Gymnasium System:
Liebig-School, 2011
Käthe-Kollwitz-School, Frankfurt-Zeilsheim, 2010
Zentgrafen-School, 2010
Astrid-Lindgren-School, 2011
Friedrich-Fröbel-School, Frankfurt-Niederrad, 2010
Albrecht-Dürer-School, 2011
Ebelfeld-School, 2011